I'm Jonathan Cilley, a financial services industry veteran and technology leader. I created Random Acts of Technology to highlight the diverse topics that I am thinking about as part of my professional life at any given point in time. They include everything from financial services industry insights to information security issues. No matter what, they always highlight what I am thinking about and why the topic is important.
My goal with Random Acts of Technology is to provide a glimpse into the mind of a community financial institution technology executive. Along the way you will see my perspective that has been shaped working as a software developer, project manager, software development manager, IT manager, CTO, and CIO throughout the phases of my career. I hope you find my content interesting, insightful, and thought provoking. Let's keep the conversation going.
An Open Letter to Wordpress and WP Engine
Dear Wordpress and WP Engine Leadership, First, let me be clear that I am not here to take sides regarding who is right or wrong about what a fair level of contribution back to open-source projects is. Everyone has different means; everyone has a slightly different take on what philosophically
Culture. Do You Feel It?
Everyone likes to say they have an amazing culture, but do you really? Do your people and members feel it when they hear your organizations name? Working at MHVFCU has taught me what this experience looks like in a leadership role where the organization gets it right.
Revolutionizing Finance: The Unseen Power of Blockchain Beyond Cryptocurrencies
Explore how blockchain technology is revolutionizing the financial sector, from enhancing trade finance and banking security to powering the DeFi movement and shaping the future of digital currencies.

Taking a Technology Vision Quest
More and more often I hear people say that the world is changing too fast to try and think ahead more than three years, or even one year. Not all that long ago we all thought a five-year plan was the norm, yet now leaders and managers no longer find

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